As the founder of Adventure-City, I'd like to introduce you to ROME! Rome is a mystical magical destination and you can spend endless days exploring the many wonders.  My team and I will be your personal guide so you don't miss a single attraction.  We are going to show you a bunch of historical places, amazing restaurants, and some hidden gems in Rome and surrounding areas. But first, to make your trip more pleasurable, here's what you need... But first, we would like for you to see our virtual tour so you can get an idea what it is going to be like and you can think more if you fell like you need to bring something else!

                                                                         WHAT DO WE OFFER?

We have great deals on what you want to do or see. Our plans are customizable and we will exceed your expectations. We have some of the best deals around and our prices start from ($10) for adults and for kids it is($5) for our group tours. Please contact us for private tours. We do not provide the following equipment down below, but if you need something we will get it, as long as you request via email 5 days in advance. There is a minimal $2/day charge for any thing that you need below.






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